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Jiangsu Zhongyi Building Materials Machinery Group

Add: No.118 East Shuang Road, Yangzhou City, China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

Jiangsu Zhongyi Building Materials  Machinery Co.,Ltd.

Add: No.2 Middle Renmin Road,Dinghuo Town, jiangshuYangzhou City, China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

Yangzhou Zhongyi Building Materials  Machinery Co.,Ltd.

Add: No.118 East Shuang Road, Yangzhou City, China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

Yangzhou Zhongyi Cement Products Co.,Ltd.

Add: Zhenwu Town, JiangsuYangzhou City, China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

Yangzhou Zhongyi  Shanshang Material Group Co.,Ltd.

Add: People south road, Dinghuo town, Jiangsu Yangzhou City,China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

Jiangsu Zhongyi  Beton Component  Co.,Ltd.

Add: People south road, Dinghuo town, Jiangsu Yangzhou City,China

Sales hotline:0514-86502360

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